Edward de Gale, Toronto Pianist, Songwriter and Poet

Friday, February 7, 2014

Katy Perry on Sesame Street - too much?

Below is the video of Katy Perry with Elmo, a clip that was pulled after complaints from upset parents who felt Katy Perry showed too much skin.

Please note that these are the same kind of parents who complained that Bert and Ernie were homosexuals living together.

As opposed to what the rest of us have been thinking for many years, that Bert and Ernie are either brothers or just friends. Sounds perfectly reasonable right?

Well the fact is you can not make these right wing religious nutjobs happy. Take for example the HIV positive puppet Kami who was introduced in 2002 for the South African version of Sesame Street, known as Takalani Sesame. The character was designed to promote tolerance and understanding in South Africa (which has a huge HIV epidemic), but instead it became a magnet for homophobia in America and a horde of Republican congressmen all "warned" Sesame Street against introducing any gay or HIV positive characters into the American version of the show.

So basically it would not matter how much skin (or how little skin) Katy Perry shows in any clip with Elmo on Sesame Street - the religious nutjobs were always going to get offended anyway. Which is amusing because these same Christians presumably go to church every Sunday and worship a statue of a mostly naked Jesus - who is best described as the zombie son of god.

So mostly naked zombie Jesus is apparently okay, but a little bit of Katy Perry's skin is not. That frankly is hypocritical and sexism.

I can only imagine what they would think if Katy Perry did a version of "Madonna with Child", a very common theme in paintings within Catholicism. They would probably decry her about showing too much skin again - regardless of how much she actually showed. It would not matter how innocent or religious the image was, because Katy Perry is a pop singing sex symbol it would be seen as religious sacrilege.

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