Edward de Gale, Toronto Pianist, Songwriter and Poet

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Horror Books that contain Songs or Music

 Below is a list of horror books that incorporate music or songs within their narratives:

  1. "Heart-Shaped Box" by Joe Hill: This chilling novel follows a rock musician who purchases a haunted suit through an online auction, with the haunting taking a musical and sinister turn.

  2. "Hex" by Thomas Olde Heuvelt: Set in a small town cursed by the presence of a witch, this book incorporates a haunting song that serves as a reminder of the town's dark secret.

  3. "The Devil's Detective" by Simon Kurt Unsworth: In this supernatural detective story set in Hell, a detective comes across a mysterious song that leads him deeper into a demonic conspiracy.

  4. "The Ruins" by Scott Smith: While not primarily focused on music, this terrifying novel features a haunting sound emitted by the malevolent entity lurking within an ancient Mayan ruin.

  5. "A Choir of Ill Children" by Tom Piccirilli: This dark and atmospheric tale revolves around a family of grotesque, psychic siblings who communicate through eerie songs.

  6. "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux: Although not traditionally classified as horror, this classic novel contains elements of horror and features a mysterious opera ghost who influences the music and events within the Paris Opera House.

  7. "The Wasp Factory" by Iain Banks: This disturbing novel revolves around a young protagonist with a fascination for ritualistic music and gruesome acts.

  8. "The Red Tree" by CaitlĂ­n R. Kiernan: In this atmospheric horror novel, a writer discovers a haunting folk song that seems connected to the supernatural events unfolding around her.

  9. "Dark Melodies" edited by William Meikle: This anthology gathers horror stories inspired by music, showcasing various authors' interpretations of how music can evoke fear and dread.

  10. "The Ballad of Black Tom" by Victor LaValle: This reimagining of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Horror at Red Hook" incorporates music and the power of the blues to tell a haunting tale of cosmic horror.

These horror books incorporate music or songs to create an eerie atmosphere or enhance the overall sense of dread. 

Enjoy exploring the darker side of literature!


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Free Fantasy Magazine



Download a copy of the free PDF version by visiting the Peasant Magazine website, or order the 8x11 magazine of Peasant Magazine via Amazon for $4.99 USD.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Polishing Your Songs: Tips for Effective Editing and Revising

Editing and revising are essential steps in the songwriting process that can transform a good song into a great one. By honing your lyrics, melodies, arrangements, and overall structure, you can enhance the clarity, impact, and cohesiveness of your compositions. 

Below we will explore valuable tips for effectively editing and revising your songs to bring out their full potential.

  1. Take a Break: After completing a song, step away from it for a while. Give yourself some distance and come back with fresh ears. Taking a break allows you to approach your work with a more objective perspective during the editing and revising process.

  2. Focus on the Core Message: Clarify the core message or emotional intention of your song. Ensure that your lyrics, melodies, and arrangements all align with and support this central theme. Remove any elements that don't contribute to the overall message or may distract listeners from the intended impact.

  3. Strengthen Your Lyrics: Carefully examine your lyrics and revise them for clarity, coherence, and emotional resonance. Eliminate any unnecessary words or phrases that weaken the impact or dilute the meaning. Look for opportunities to refine the imagery, storytelling, and poetic devices to make your lyrics more engaging and vivid.

  4. Enhance Melodic and Vocal Delivery: Refine your melodies and vocal delivery to make them more memorable and expressive. Experiment with variations, such as adding melodic embellishments, dynamic changes, or unexpected phrasing. Pay attention to the rhythmic flow and explore different vocal techniques to enhance the emotional impact of your songs.

  5. Streamline Your Arrangement: Evaluate your arrangement and streamline it to maintain focus and maximize impact. Consider eliminating any unnecessary musical elements or sections that may detract from the overall coherence. Simplify and refine instrumental parts to create clarity and space for the song to breathe. Ensure that each element in the arrangement serves a purpose and enhances the intended mood.

  6. Experiment with Structure: Explore different song structures to find the one that best suits your composition. Experiment with variations on traditional forms or unconventional structures to add interest and surprise. Rearrange sections, modify lengths, or incorporate new transitions to enhance the flow and captivate listeners.

  7. Seek Constructive Feedback: Share your songs with trusted individuals who can provide constructive feedback. Seek input from fellow songwriters, musicians, or mentors who can offer fresh perspectives on your work. Be open to their suggestions and use their insights to refine and improve your songs. Remember to maintain your artistic vision while considering different viewpoints.

  8. Perform and Test Your Songs: Perform your songs in front of live audiences whenever possible. Observe how listeners respond to different sections, melodies, lyrics, or arrangements. Pay attention to their engagement, emotional reactions, or moments of impact. Use these observations to inform your editing and revising process, making adjustments based on real-world feedback.

  9. Refine Your Hooks and Catchphrases: Hooks and catchphrases are essential elements that make a song memorable. Polish your hooks to ensure they are catchy, impactful, and instantly recognizable. Evaluate your catchphrases to ensure they resonate with listeners and have a strong connection to the core message of your song. Make them memorable and sing-along-worthy.

  10. Trust Your Instincts and Iterate: Ultimately, trust your instincts as a songwriter. Use your intuition to guide the editing and revising process. Iterate on your songs, repeatedly going through the editing and revising cycle until you feel confident that they are refined and polished. Remember that songwriting is a journey of constant improvement, and each round of editing brings you closer to creating your best work.

Effective editing and revising are crucial steps in polishing your songs and bringing out their full potential. Take breaks to gain fresh perspective, focus on the core message, and strengthen your lyrics and melodies. Streamline the arrangement, experiment with structure, and seek constructive feedback. Perform and test your songs, refining hooks and catchphrases. 

Trust your instincts and iterate until your songs shine. With dedication and a commitment to excellence, you can elevate your compositions to a higher level and captivate listeners with your polished and refined songs.

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