Edward de Gale, Toronto Pianist, Songwriter and Poet

Monday, June 9, 2014

Why blogging is like essay writing

Some people compare blogging to journalism.

But really, most bloggers are not journalists.

Sure, they might sometimes talk about the news. But they are rarely reporting it.

Rather, blogging is more like essay writing. You write the essay, but unlike all those essays you did in university you don't have to worry about marks like you did back then. It is not like you are writing a dissertation that has to be "perfect", instead you can actually have fun writing your essay.

Sometimes it isn't even like an essay. Sometimes it is more like "Hey look, cute kitten photos!"

Like these kitten photos below. :)

Which means it isn't really journalism or essay writing either. In that respect blogging is more like scrapbooking - collecting photos and then putting them in your scrapbook as a collection of odd things.

And then there is the name "blogging", which is short for "web logging" - which means blogging is a bit like writing in a log book (like the captain of a ship). Which means blogging is more like a diary or journal.

So lets summarize here.

Blogging is

1 part journalism
1 part essay writing
1 part scrapbook
1 part diary / journal

It is no wonder we had to invent a new word to describe all the activities that a blogger does.

After all if only did journalism, or only essay writing, or only scrapbooking, or only writing in our diary - it would be kind of boring. But being all 4 at once allows us to do more innovative ways to use the technology at our fingertips.

And truth be told, while technology often annoys me, in this case I see benefits. Blogging provides a lot more freedom.

And what is more, it also creates an audience. Which means it is entertaining, and educational.

And anything that is educational can also legally break copyright laws - because if you share something for educational purposes, it falls into the terms of fair use.

And it means, that since bloggers are not journalists that bloggers should be held up to the same rigorous laws that journalists are. Which means you can call a criminal a crook, even if they are not convicted of the crime. (Although you might still get sued for defamation if the crook has a lot of money to throw around.)

Anywho, I think I have made my point.

Oh, I forgot one thing...

1 part rant

In other words, a chance for people to just complain about things that annoy them.

And now I shall stop stating the obvious. I am content that my point has been made.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Toronto Indoor Archery Range

Toronto is getting an indoor archery range! Huzzah!

The range will be operating on a members only basis with a waiting list.

Annual membership is $800 + HST. (Think of it like a gym membership.)

To get your name on the waiting list contact cardiotrek@gmail.com for details.

Which means you won't be freezing outside to do archery like in the photo below, and can enjoy warmth indoors instead.

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Music Horn

I just like this painting.

It is called "The Music Horn".

I don't even know who the artist is.

Would be nice to know however.

If you know who the artist is, please post in the comments below.

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