Edward de Gale, Toronto Pianist, Songwriter and Poet

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Republican White Christmas

This bothers me.

It bothers me because I am not sure if it is really, seriously, the Republican NC Official Christmas Card for 2016 or whether it is a joke. I honestly would not be surprised at this point if it was real.

Which says a lot about my opinion of the Republican Party, the so-called "alt-right" (which is code for white supremacy), and the KKK members that Donald Trump is currently picking to fill posts in his government.

Take for example the guy Donald Trump chose to head law enforcement in America. He picked the biggest racist he could find, during a time in which police are murdering African Americans willy nilly and getting caught on video doing it again and again. Picking a gigantic racist sends a strong message to American police. It says "Go ahead. Shoot as many as you want."

You know how some Americans were joking about moving to Canada?

Well here is an idea for any Americans reading this.

You should seriously move to Canada. Don't joke about it.

Start looking for a job here and look into moving to Canada. Start doing it today. You don't need to move here permanently either. Just work here, then in 4 years when it is time to vote again you can go back and vote for someone sane who will try to fix the ruins that the American economy is in by then, let alone what looks like a gearing up for a civil war (white supremacists vs everyone who believes in equality).

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