Edward de Gale, Toronto Pianist, Songwriter and Poet

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why are modern tvs so slow?

Have you ever noticed how modern TVs are so slow compared to TVs during the 1980s?

I am serious. TVs are now slower than they used to be because now they are digital and have to load a blue screen or some logo nonsense before loading the actual tv guide, list of channels or the channel that was last on before you turned off the tv.

And this is my beef with a lot of technology today... More technology is actually making things slower and more cumbersome.


ATMs and Credit Cards vs cash.

Downloading tv shows vs VCRs.

Text messaging vs just phoning the person.

Tablets vs pen and paper.

The internet vs the YellowPages and an encyclopedia set.

eReaders vs books.

Downloading a taxi app and figuring out how to use vs just calling a cab.

And the list goes on. Seriously, technology is actually making life more complicated than it needs to be.

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